Sustainable Development Goals for Food & Beverage Industry

October 30, 2020

We know there is a direct correlation between a healthy diet, a healthy population and a healthy planet.

Encompassing nutrition, human health, food security and more traditional sustainability topics like climate, energy, water and waste, makes the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) a useful framework for the food and beverage sector to guide sustainability strategy development and reporting.

Recent research highlights that 18% of Australia’s F&B businesses link the SDG’s with their sustainability initiatives, 61% mention sustainability on their websites but 39% don’t, so which camp are you in?

Cress Consulting can help you integrate sustainability into your business strategy, communications and establish a reporting framework that makes sense.

Cress Consulting are sustainability, risk and water specialists, committed to finding the right solutions to help you secure a more sustainable, secure future.If you would like help to find the right solutions to a more sustainable, secure future, please contact us here.

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